Madu - Pemanis alami yang aman bagi penderita diabetes
The effect of honey in diabetes mellitus
According to WHO , in 2014 approximately 347 million people around the world, or about five percent of the population suffer from diabetes. Indonesia also ranks 4 out of 10 countries in the world who suffer most diabetes (aged 20-79 years) according to the International Diabetes Federation is 9.1 million people. The risk of death in patients with diabetes is twice that of non-diabetics. Oral hypoglycemic drugs indicated in diabetics. However, due to hypoglycemic drugs are synthetic drugs, it has side effects such as flatulence to liver dysfunction. Honey is a natural substance that contains many nutrients that are believed to reduce levels of glucose in the blood. Fructose in honey can increase hepatic glucose uptake and storage of glycogen synthesis also thus improving glycemic control in diabetes mellitus. Action of flavonoids useful in diabetes mellitus is through its ability to avoid the absorption of glucose or improve glucose tolerance. Honey affect glycemic control diabetics.